Dr. Nezami is an inventor and innovator and has designed a patented novel method of treating patients with advanced cancer, called Multi Molecular Targeted Epigenetic Therapy (MTET). With this method, during the last 7 years, he has successfully treated many patients, mostly with advanced stage four cancer who had failed all other conventional methods. National Cancer Institute and associated oncology consultants have confirmed this method of treating patients with cancer as novel and recommended further research on his method. Several cancer institutions, including MD Anderson cancer center and private oncology centers have already started investigating his method in either preclinical or clinical settings, showing "extra ordinary" results.
After completion of his fellowship in integrative cancer care, Dr. Nezami served as principal investigator by National Institute of Health ( NIH); for TACT trial and is currently involved both in research and publications( as coauthor) with National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the best case series of complimentary and alternative cancer therapies.
He also functions as speaker for Caris Life Sciences ( Caris Oncology Laboratory) and provides scientific expert review at Journal of Cancer Therapy ( JCT), British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, ( BJM) as well as serving as editorial board and peer review expert in multidisciplinary scientific journals such as Biology and Medicine, Science International, Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cancer Studies, Asian Journal of Medicine and Health, International journal of cancer and tumor, Biology and Medicine, Archivum Immunologiae Et Therapiae Experimentalis,...
Due to his expertise in the area of epigenetic science and oncology , he has recently been honored to serve as the organizer, key note speaker, board member and chair for several national and international oncology conferences.( ex. SBMT, Radiation oncology and anti cancer therapy, International Conference on Nuclear Medicine and radiation therapy,...)
His main area of interest are integrative oncology and epigenetics. He currently teaches and consults other physicians and oncologists and is extensively involved in research and pursuing several clinical trials in this field.
1. M.A Nezami,M.D., Mirshemirani, M., M D
“Retrospective study of 50 Hospitalized children with Nephroblastoma/ Wilm’s Tumor”
Clinical research, medical dissertation, April 1996
2. Davidson, G.C., Collins, L., Nezami, M.A. & Dequattro, V.L.
“Psychological correlates of heart’s structural variation.”
Poster presented at the society of behavioral science meeting, San Diego, California 1993
3. Nezami E., Davison, GC, Nezami, M.A. & Collins L.
“Hostility in relation to cardiovascular reactivity”
University of Southern California, Paper published in International Journal of Psychology, and presented in 26th international congress of psychology, Montreal, Canada, p. 127, 1996
4. Jadvar H, Xu A, Tumeh P, Pollock J, Nezami M.A., Conti PS
" Surveillance and management of lymphoma with serial FDG PET-CT",
Proc RSNA 91st Scientific Assembly & Ann Meeting, Chicago, IL, p. 673; 2005
5. M. A. Nezami, M.D, Victoria Kubal MS, BCBA, John Monteleone M.D., MPH Davin Young Clarke M.A., “Effects of Exercise Prescription and Nutrition Counseling on Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease”Invited presenter, 3rd annual colloquium
University of California, San Francisco, (UCSF), 2007
6. J. Monteleone, MD, MPH, M.A. Nezami M.D., Mimi-Mott Smith FNP-MPH
“Changing Behavior using personalized exercise and nutrition prescriptions for patients at cardiovascular risk”
Society of Teachers in Family Medicine (STFM), 16th annual meeting, published STFM 16th annual journal, p 63, Chicago, 2007
7. M. Nezami, MD
” Improved symptoms of multiple sclerosis in response to nutritional therapy: an integrative approach to neurodegenerative disorders, a case report”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1770655/
Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal ( IMCJ), Sept, 2011
8. M. Nezami MD
Tumor board presentation "Breast cancer complete remission using combination therapy, chemotherapy with epigenetic treatments, A case report" March, 2012, CRMC, Clovis, California
9. M. Nezami MD
MultiTargeted Epigenetic therapies, MTET
Invited presenter and candidate for partnership opportunities
Lymphoma and Leukemia Society (LLS), San Francisco, 2012
10. M.Nezami MD, S.Hager DO, D. Stobbe MD,
Multitargeted Epigenetic Therapy ( MTET) and it's rationale in an integrative approach
Institute for Research ( IRB) in Bio medicine, Barcelona International Conference on Epigenetics and Cancer, Barcelona, Spain, November, 2013
11. M.Nezami MD, S.Hager DO, D. Stobbe MD
Multitargeted Epigenetic Therapy ( MTET)
Molecular Med Tri-conference,( ex, human genome project and sequencing), February 10-12, 2014, San Francisco, CA
12. M.Nezami MD, S Hager, Do
"Surrogate markers of survival , a case review for an antiangiogenic therapy in cancer"
Pancreatic Cancer Innovations in research and treatment
American Association for Cancer Research ( AARC), May 18-21, 2014 New Orleans, Louisiana
13. M.Nezami MD, S Hager, Do, A. Gouldsimon MD
"Surrogate Markers for survival, a case review for an antiangiogenic therapy in cancer"
World Pharmaceutical Congress, Trackling Translational Challenges, May 21-23, 2014, Boston, Massachusetts
14. M.Nezami MD, Steve Hager DO, A. Gouldsimon MD
"Surrogate Markers of survival, a case review for an antiangiogenic therapy in cancer"
World Molecular Imaging Society and World Molecular Imaging Congress( WMIC)
Korea, September 2014
Weil's Integrative Oncology Textbook, second edition,
Botanical and Mycological Medicine in Integrative Oncology
Integrative Oncology, Donald Abrams, Andrew Weil, Sep 2014
16. M.Nezami MD, Aron Gould Simon MD,
" Biological translational tools to predict clinical outcome in advanced cancer”
Molecular Med Tri-cone 2015, San Francisco, February 2015( human genome project and sequencing)
17. M. Nezami MD, J. Garner, Aron Gouldsimon, MD,
"Epigenetic regulation of angiogenesis", A review of 100 cases of advanced cancer"
Translational epigenetics, Festival of Genomics, Boston, June 23, 2015
18. M. Nezami MD, Daniel Stobe MD, Aron Gouldsimon, MD
"Translational epigenetics in lung cancer, A case review of multitargeted epigenetic therapy ( MTET)",
16th annual international lung cancer congress, Huntington Beach, CA July, 2015
19. Nezami MA, Gouldsimon A
" Heterogenous Approach for Heterogenous disease, Heterogeneity in cancer genomics and epigenetic approach", Cancer Science, vol 1,1, August 2015
20. M.Nezami MD, " Epigenetic regulation of hypoxia, Genomic Bioinformatics",
Europe Society of Bio Banking ( ESBB), London, Oct 1st, 2015
21. M. Nezami MD
"Biological interventions to interfere microenvironmental seduction by tumor cells"
Symposia on Cancer Research, Emerging concepts in host response to cancer, MD Anderson Cancer center, Houston, TX, October 8-9, 2015
22. M.Nezami MD, Steve Hager DO
" Prognostic surrogate makers for survival in pancreatic cancer, a case series for a novel antiangiogenic therapy( Multitargeted epigenetic therapy( MTET)
French Association for Pancreatic Cancer Research ( AFRCP), Pancreatic Cancer Symposium, Marcielle, France, October 28-30
23. M. Nezami MD, Steve Hager DO, Richard Lanman MD
" Impact of Multitargeted Epigenetic therapy ( MTET), a series of 100 consecutive advanced solid tumor cancers"
AACR- NCI EORTC Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics Conference, Nov 5-9, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts
24. M. Nezami MD, Steve Hager DO
“Heterogenous approach for heterogenous disease, heterogeneity in cancer genomics and epigenetic approach”
AACR- NCI EORTC Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics Conference, Nov 5-9, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts
25. M.Nezami MD, Aron Gouldsimon MD
" Application of multitargeted Epigenetic therapy and review of case series in recurrent advanced Non small Cell Lung Cancer, Heterogenous approach for heterogenous disease, Heterogeneity in cancer genomics and epigenetic approach"
Cancer Science, open access, scient online, Vol. 1, http://scientonline.org/open-access/heterogenous-approach-for-heterogenous-disease-heterogeneity-in-cancer-genomics-and-epigenetic-approach.pdf
26. M. Nezami MD, Jessica garner PA, Megan Elam
" Epigenetic therapies, Immune therapies and Anti angiogenic therapies, The Triad of Oncology"
Angiogenesis, The cause or effect?"
Journal of Precision Medicine, November 2015, Page 43
27. M. Nezami MD, Steve Hager DO, Jessica Garner PA,
" Epigenetic Regulation of heterogeneity in solid tumors, A case series for a novel epigenetic therapy"
Society of Integrative Oncology ( SIO), Integrative Innovations, Nov 12-14, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts
28. M.Nezami MD, Daniel Stobe MD, Aron Gould Simon MD
"Prognostic surrogate markers for survival, a case series for a novel antiangiogenic therapy( Multitargeted Epigenetic Therapies/ MTET)" Abstract 73
Society of Integrative Oncology( SIO), November 14-16, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts
29. M. Nezami MD
" Epigenetic regulation of hypoxia and heterogeneity in cancer"8th Euro Global Summit on Cancer Therapy, November 3th-5th, 2015, Valencia, Spain
30. M. Nezami MD
" Multitargeted Epigenetic therapy and it's application in a case series of Gastric Cancer"
2nd International Gastrointestinal Cancer Congress ( IGCC), October 14-16th, Shahid Beheshti University, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Tehran, Iran
31. Nezami M, Hager S, Garner, J
" Epidermomesenchymal (Transition( EMT) and Anti EMT Strategies in Cancer", Journal of Cancer therapy (JCT), Vol 6, No 11, November 2015, Paper ID: 890225
32. M.Nezami MD
"Epigenetic regulation of Hypoxia, a case series for multitargeted epigenetic therapy"4th Cancer Epigenetic Conference, Global Technology Community ( GTC), November 16-17th, 2015, San Francisco, CA
33. M.Nezami MD, A Gouldsimon, D. Stobe
" Epigenetic regulation of Hypoxia and heterogeneity", ESMO Journal , Annals of Oncology, Submission ID:#495ESMO
Asia 2015 Congress, December 18-21, Singapore
34. M. Nezami MD
“Chemoprevention and epigenetic multitargeted approach” , 2016 Cancer survivorship Symposium: Advancing Care and Research, Abstract Submission ID:156951 (Abstract Number for Online Publication: e297)
35.M. Nezami MD, Aroun Gouldsimon MD, Jessica Garner
"Correlation of an EX VIVO model with clinical application of an epigenetic modifier, inhibiting tumor growth and metastasis, in resistant cholangiocarcinoma - A case study" ,
Journal of Cancer Therapy, Vol 7, No.1, Jan 2016
36. M.Nezami MD
"Chemoprevention and Epigenetic Multitargeted Approach"
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Cancer Survivorship Symposium: Advancing Care and Research
Journal of Clinical Oncology 34, 2016 ( Suppl 3S, Abstr e297), published Jan 2017
37. M.Nezami MD
"Multitargeted Epigenetic therapy and it's application in a case series of advanced Gastric Cancer"
The 2nd International Conference on Oncology and Therapy (COT 2016)
March 2 - 4, 2016 in Beijing, China.
38. M. Nezami MD, Aroun GouldSimon MD
"Biological interventions to interfere microenvironmental seduction by tumor cells, a breakthrough strategy in clinical oncology to inhibit angiogenesis and metastasis"
Molecular Medicine TRI-CON 2016 , March 6 -11, 2016, San Francisco, CA
39.M.A.Nezami MD, Steve Hager Do, Jessica Garner PA
" Preliminary Findings on Multi-Targeted Epigenetic Therapy in Modifying Telomerase Activity"
Journal of Cancer Science( Scient Open Access Journal), March 16, 2016
40. M.Nezami MD
" Invitro and invivo proof of concept for an effective antineoplastic combination of novel anti HIF therapy in pancreatic cancer"
American Association for Cancer Research ( AACR), Pancreatic Cancer, Advances in Science and Clinical Care
May 12-15, Orlando, Florida
41. M.Nezami MD, S. Hager, DO J. Garner
"The Role of Telomeres in Cancer Development and Progression, and the Double Edge Sword Effect with Tamoxifen"
Biology and Medicine ( Biol Med 2016, 8:3)
42. M. Nezami MD, Steven Hager DO, Jessica Garner
"Preliminary Findings on Multi-Targeted Epigenetic Therapy (MTET) in Modifying Telomerase Activity"
- Cancer Science; Open Access, Scient access, published March, 2016
43. M. Nezami MD, Steven Hager DO, Jessica Garner
"Epigenetic Tumor Response to Hypoxia: An Epimutation Pattern and a Method of Multi-Targeted Epigenetic Therapy (MTET)" - Journal of Cancer Therapy, Vol 7, No 4, Apr 13, 2016, DOI: 10.4236/jct.2016.74027
44. M. Nezami MD
Peer review expert, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research
" Tumor markers in head and neck neoplasm: an overview"
Published: Ms_BjMMR_24998
45. Peer review expert, Science Domain International, Asian Journal of Medicine and Health
" Superficial Angiomyxoma of right gluteal region- A rare case report"
46. Peer review expert, Science Domain International,Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
" Effect of Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 and 2 on tumor growth"
47. Peer review expert, Science Domain, Journal of cancer and tumor international," The interest of serum alkaline phosphatase in the confirmation of diagnosis for tumors in children and adolescents" Ms_JCTI_2993
48. Peer Review Expert, Biology and Medicine, Medical Sciences 17-134
"Association between serum Trans fatty acids concentrations and leucocyte telomere length in US adults" Feb, 2017
49. Peer review expert, Biology and Medicine, Medical Sciences 17-285
" Long Non-coding RNA Biomarker for Human Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Prognosis", March 2017
50. Peer Review expert, Journal of Advancements in Medicine and medical research, Science Domain, Apr, 2018 "“Space Occupying Lesions (SOL) of brain - Clinical manifestation with subtle neurological symptoms in Emergency Department.”
51. M.Nezami MD
"Epigenetic regulation of hypoxia: Modifying metastasis by regulating epigenome- A Case review of multi targeted epigenetic therapy (MTET) and its application in Stage IV Renal Cell Carcinoma
( submitted to) International Conference on Oncology and Radiology( ICOR), Dubai, UAE
October 27-29, 2016
52. M.Nezami MD
( Key note speaker and organizing committee member)
"Epigenetic therapies and the use of multitargeted approach, a new concept in cancer therapeutics"
Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy, /WST.aspx
14th world anti cancer therapy convention
Dubai, UAE, Nov 21-22, 2016
53. M.Nezami MD
" Biological interventions to interfere microenvironmental and endocrine machinery in cancer" Application of endocrine manipulation in advanced cancer
Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy, November 21-23, 2016,
54. M.Nezami MD, Jessica Garner
"Role of antiangiogenic therapy in prevention of recurrence in hormonal positive breast cancer, a secondary prevention strategy and method of therapy", Journal of Cancer therapy, 6.2017, 8/546.552
55. M. Nezami MD, "Multi targeted Epigenetic therapy and hypoxia response elements, A turning point in radiation oncology"
2nd International conference on Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy, July 27-28, 2017, Rome, Italy
56. M.Nezami MD
" Biological modulation of PARP inhibition in triple negative breast cancer: A case report of combinational approach implementing histone deacetylase inhibition with PARP inhibition in advanced breast cancer", 2017 AACR-NCI-EORTC Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics conference, October 26-30, 2017 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
57. M.Nezami MD, “ From Innovation to commercialization”, Biotechnology Show Case, san Francisco, Januray 7-10, 2018
58. M. Nezami MD
“Molecular profiling in cancer and correlation of liquid biopsies with clinical outcome”
Invited presenter, Bastyr University, March 2018
59. Julie Taguchi, Christopher Duma, M. A. Nezami
"A Novel Combined Approach for Metastatic Breast Cancer with Dural and Leptomeningeal Disease with an Impressive Clinical Outcome: A Case Study", JCT, March 2018
DOI: 10.4236/jct.2018.93025
60. M.Nezami MD
" Landscape of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Germline, somatic and reversion alerations detectable of cell free DNA testing among patients with metastatic breast, ovarian, pancreatic, or prostate cancer,"
Aditya Bardia, ,...M.Nezami MD, Sandip Patel, Benedito Carneiro, Grace Wang, Alice Fan,..Massimo Christo Fanilli
Harvard Medical School Boston, Pacific Medical Center of Hope, University of California, SD, Stanford University
ASCO 2018
61. M.Nezami MD, Christopher Duma MD "Proof of Concept in a Case Study of Glioblastoma Multiforme Successfully Treated with IV Quercetin in Combination with Leading Edge Gamma Knife and Standard Treatments", Journal of Cancer Therapy ( JCT), Volume 9, No. 6, June 2018, 10.4236/jct.2018.96043
62. 25. M.Nezami , Steve Hager, Julie Taguchi, "Biological Modulation of PARP Inhibition in Triple Negative Breast Cancer, a Combinational Approach Implementing Multitargeted Epigenetic Therapy (MTET) with PARP Inhibition, in Advanced Breast Cancer: A Case Study". JCT, Sept 2018, ISSN 2151-1942
63. M.Nezami, Steve Hager " Evidence Based Medicine, in Precision Oncology, JCT, Sept 2018, Vol9, Number 9, 679-805, Sept 2018, Journal of Cancer Therapy, https://file.scirp.org/pdf/JCT_2018091015385090.pdf
64.. M.Nezami MD, Stave Hager DO, Aron Gouldsimon MD, "Induction of cell differentiation and genomic stability in cancer, by an “multi epimutation-targeted therapy”, or MTET", Open Access Text ( OAT), September 2018, ISSN: 2516-5283 https://www.oatext.com/pdf/CMR-1-129.pdf
65. M.Nezami , A GouldSimon, Jessica Garner," Preliminary findings on a sequential and combined targeted epigenetic therapy through MAPK and MEK inhibition: A case study of advanced neuroendocrine malignancy, Open Access Text ( OAT), September 2018, ISSN: 2516-5283
66. M.Nezami MD, S Hager DO, Clinical implications of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) epigenetic modification in lung cancer, proof of concept for dual multitargeted epigenetic therapy (MTET) in combination with EGFR inhibitors, January 2018, DOI: 10.15761/CMR.1000132
67. Mohammad Nezami, Steve Hager, Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2018, 9, http://www.scirp.org/journal/jct
Dual Epidermal Growth Factor Inhibition and Multi Targeted Epigenetic Therapy (MTET)
68. M.Nezami MD, Biotechnology show case, San Francisco, Jan 7th, 2019, Multitargeted Epigenetic therapy, Updates
69. M.Nezami MD, Sequential and dual Inhibition of Pleiotropic targets in cancer - A novel strategy to sensitize tumor cells to targeted therapies and overcome resistance, JCT
70. M.Nezami MD, Jessica garner, " Preclinical and preliminary clinical reports for successful treatment of ovarian cancer with standard treatments in combination with epigenetic modiers in a complimentary and integrative approach", Open access text, ISSN 2516-5283
71. Mohammad A. Nezami, Christian Klowsowski, Steven Jeffrey Hager; Research Cancer Institutes of America, Sahel Oncology, Newport Beach, CA; Guardant health, Genomic Specialist, Medical Affairs, Redwood City, CA; California Cancer Associates for Research and Excellence, Fresno, CA
“ Predictive molecular tumor response through circulating DNA (cDNA) measurements and correlation with established prognostic markers in a series of solid tumors treated with multitargeted epigenetic therapy (MTET)"
J Clin Oncol 37, 2019 (suppl; abstr e13015)
ASCO 2019, http://abstracts.asco.org/239/AbstView_239_259525.html
72. M.Nezami MD, "Multi-targeted epigenetic therapy of Glioblastoma Multiforme( GBM) stem cells and the role of epithelial mesenchymal transition", Society for brain mapping and therapeutics( SBM), sponsored by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, City of Hope, LLU and SBM, March, 15, 2019, https://www.worldbrainmapping.org/
73. M. Nezami MD, Penalist, Neuro-oncology therapies, 16th annual congress for brain mapping, March 17th, 2019, Sponsored by department of defense, National Institute of Health, Keck School of Medicine
74. M.Nezami, "Evidence Based Medicine, in Precision Oncology Application of epigenetic therapies in an integrative approach to advanced solid tumors, a successful case for biomarker approach in cancer therapeutics", UCI Applied Innovation ,Pathways to Cures Translational Science Research Day, May 1st, 2019
75. M.Nezami MD, Questionable alternative therapies for cancer, “ The devil is in the detail”, OAT text
Mini Review, Clinical and Medical Reports, Clin Med Rep, 2019 doi: 10.15761/CMR.1000142
Volume 2: 1-2, ISSN: 2516-5283
76. M.Nezami MD, "Precision oncology and therapeutics in pancreatic cancer, implementing epigenetic approach " Winnovation and Global Depolyment of precision oncology", WIN Symposium 2019 Paris, France, June 23,24, 2019
77. M.Nezami MD, Scientific Delegate
The Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), International Society of Oral Oncology (ISOO) June 22, 2019, San Francisco
78. Identification of actionable fusions as an anti-EGFR resistance mechanism using a circulating tumor DNA assay, ASCO 2019, JCO Precision Oncology, 2019, Annals of Oncology 2019, https://ascopubs.org/doi/pdf/10.1200/PO.19.00141
Katherine Clifton, MD1+, Thereasa A. Rich2+, Christine Parseghian, MD1, Victoria M. Raymond2, Arvind Dasari, MD1, Allan Andresson Lima Pereira, MD1, Jason Willis, MD1, Jonathan M. Loree, MD3, Todd Bauer, MD4 , Young Chae, MD5, Gary Sherrill, MD6, Paul Fanta, MD7, Axel Grothey, MD8, Andrew Hendifar, MD9, David Henry, MD10, Daruka Mahadevan, MD11, Mohammad Amin Nezami, MD12, Benjamin Tan, MD13, Zev Wainberg, MD14, Richard Lanman, MD2, Scott Kopetz, MD1, Van Morris, MD1*
1The University of Texas-MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, 2GuardantHealth Inc., Redwood City, CA, 3BC Cancer, Vancouver, CA, 4Tennessee Oncology, Nashville, TN, 5Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, 6Cone Health Cancer Center, Greensboro, NC, 7University of San Diego Moores Cancer Center, La Jolla, CA, 8The University of Tennessee West Cancer Center, Memphis, TN, 9Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, 10University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 11The University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, AZ, 12Pacific Medical Center of Hope, Fresno, CA, 13Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, 14University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
79. M.Nezami ," Invitro and invivo correlation of biomarker response to epigenetic therapy in pancreatic cancer", Clinical and Medical reports, Open Access Text, ISSN: 2516-5283, July 2019
80. M.Nezami, Steve Hager, Christian Klowski, "Correlation of circulating DNA( cDNA) alterations in several genes with established prognostic markers in a series of solid tumors treated with Multi Targeted Epigenetic therapy(MTET)", Open access text, ISSN: 2516-5283, DOI: 10.15761/CMR.1000150, July 2019
81. M.Nezami MD, Steve Hager DO, Christian Klowski,"Retrospective review of 374 sample, circulating DNA; to support clinical management in solid tumors treated with multi targeted epigenetic therapy( MTET)", Clinical Case Studies Reviews & Reports, Oct 2019, https://www.onlinescientificresearch.com/articles/retrospective-review-of-374-samples-circulating-dna-as-a-biomarker-assay-to-support-clinical-management-in-solid-tumors-treated-wi.pdf
82. Caroline M. Weipert, Thereasa A. Rich, Rebecca J. Nagy, Ben Park, Brian Leyland-Jones, Joyce O’Shaughnessy, Mohammad Nezami, Massimo Cristofanilli, Aditya Bardia, Richard B. Lanman,
" Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis of ESR1-mutant advanced breast cancer (aBC): Impact of subsequent therapy on mutation persistence", San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Nov. 2019
83., M.A.Nezami, "Mutated allele fraction( MAF) of epigenetically driven target genes, A biomarker assay to support clinical management in solid tumors treated with multi targeted epigenetic therapy( MTET)", Advances in Cancer Research & Clinical Imaging, Sep 2019, (ISSN: 2688-8203), DOI: 10.33552/ACRCI.2019.02.000532, https://irispublishers.com/acrci/pdf/ACRCI.MS.ID.000532.pdf
84. M.Nezami MD, S. Hager DO, Christian Klowski," Precision oncology and therapeutics in pancreatic cancer, implementing epigenetic approach", Pancreatic Cancer Symposium, Toulouse, France,
October 23 & 24, 2019
85. Neelima Vidula" nvidula@mgh.harvard.edu, "Oliver Sartor" osartor@tulane.edu,... "Mohammad Amin Nezami" "Sandip P. Patel" spatel@ucsd.edu, "Benedito A. Carneiro" benedito_carneiro@brown.edu, "Alice C. Fan" afan@stanford.edu, "Adam M. Brufsky" ambrufsky@upmc.edu, "Barbara A. Parker" baparker@ucsd.edu, "Benjamin B. Bridges" "Neeraj Agarwal" neeraj.agarwal@hci.utah.edu, "Benjamin L. Maughan" benjamin.maughan@hci.utah.edu, "Victoria M. Raymond" , "Stephen R. Fairclough" "Richard B. Lanman" "Aditya Bardia" bardia.aditya@mgh.harvard.edu
" Routine plasma-based genotyping to comprehensively detect germline, somatic, and reversion BRCA mutations among patients with advanced solid tumors", Journal of Clinical Oncology, Sept, 2019
86. M.Nezami MD, "A Retrospective Review of 300 Case Reports, Quality of Life and Correlation With Biomarkers Related to Tumor Burden, in Advanced Cancer", Journal of Biology and Medicine, V3, Open access, August 2020
87. M. Nezami MD, Vicky Yamamoto, PhD, Biological disruptive therapies as counter measures for unpredictable biological insults, A case for successful treatment of Covid 19 in cancer", journal of Infectious Diseases( AID), SCRIP, DOI: 10.4236/aid.2020.103018, August 2020
88. M.Nezami MD, "Epigenetic role in Glioblastoma Epidermo-mesenchymal Transition( EMT)", Speaker, N20 November, 2021, Society of Brain Mapping and Therapeutics( SBMT)
89. "Epigenetic role in metastatic melanoma carcinogenesis and treatment response", Fifth middle east international dermatology conference and exhibition, Dubai, UAE, December, 2020
90. M. Nezami MD, " Precision Oncology: The role of Epigenetic influence and application of a customized epigenetic targeted therapy on Glioma stem cells and reversing radioresistance", Invited speaker, Neuro-oncology, stem cells and and targeted therapies subcommittee, Society of Brain Mapping and therapeutics( SBMT), July, 2021, Los Angeles, CA
91. Amr Kamel Khalil Ahmed, Mohammad Nezami, Abdullah Alkattan, Ahmed Mohamed, Omar Alshazly, Simona Ibrahim, " After one year of COVID-19 Pandemic and Hundreds of Suggested Drugs, Will Cathepsin L Inhibitors be the Solution?", DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4682214, April, 2021
92. M.Nezami MD, S. Hager DO, P. Herschberger. PhD, " Multi Targeted Epigenetic therapies in lymphoma, a 10 year case study of successful treatment of advanced mantle cell lymphoma", 2021 Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference, Aug 2021
93. . Amr Ahmed, Mohammad Nezami , Abdullah Alkattan "Pitfalls at Chemistry of Adenoviral Vector Vaccine against COVID-19 and how to Circumvent It", Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2021, Iran, apb-32857, Open science, Department of Public Health, Tuberculosis Program, First Health Cluster, Ministry of Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
94. M.Nezami MD, " Epigenetic therapies in Lymphomas", Annual Scientific Meeting, Society of Integrative Oncology ( SIO), Chicago, Sept 2021
95. Kevin, Morris, Maria Lobo, kateb, B, MD,.....M.Nezami MD,....
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Neuroscience20 (BRAIN20, SPINE20 and MENTAL20) Health Initiative: A Global
Consortium Addressing the Human and Economic Burden of Brain, Spine, and Mental
Disorders Through Neurotech Innovations and Policies
96. M.Nezami MD, " Addressing disparities in oncology care, Minorities, African American, Holocaust victims,
and prisoners(“ limited access groups”), defeating racism in oncology care
J Oncol Res Rev Rep 2021, Volume 2(5): 3-3, October 2021
F.A. SOLIMAN" A Rare Presentation of a Non-Asian Female with Metastatic Non-small-cell Lung
Cancer Harboring EGFR L747P Mutation With Clinical Response to Multitargeted
Epigenetic and EGFR Inhibition", PubMed, Anticancer Res. 2022 Jan;42(1):441-447.
98. M. Nezami MD, " A case study of de-staging and reverse transformation of a IDH mutated malignant metastatic sarcoma to benign tumor and complete clinical remission by application of Multitargeted Epigenetic therapy", Progress in medical sciences, Vo 6, 6, page1-5, December 2022, DOI:10.47363/PMS/2022(6)183
99. Nezami M.A. " Prospects of a novel therapeutic targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor in a case series of patients with advanced solid tumors", Open scientific publishing, OSP journal of health care and medicine, Jan. 2023
100. M. Nezami MD, " Detection technologies and clinical correlation of epigenetic marks in Circulating tumor cell analysis in solid tumors", Future Genomics, Boston, Massachusetts, March 22, 2023, Future Genomics 2023 (future-genomics-conference.com)
101. Nezami M.A, " Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor( FGFR) as a target for epigenetic therapies, a case review for a new approach to target tumors with somatic mutations/ amplifications of FGFR, European Society of Medical Oncology( ESMO) Targeted Anticancer Therapies Congress 2023, 6-8 March 2023, Paris, France
102. M.Nezami, S hager, R Shirazi, " Transforming Growth Factor and the Role of Epigenetic Aberrancies in Oncogenic Amplifications: A New Perspective in Preventive and Therapeutic Arena", Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2023, 14, 390-407 https://www.scirp.org/journal/jct ISSN Online: 2151-1942
103. M Amin Nezami, Steven Hager, A Chaychian " Application of epigenetic therapies in combination with cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKIs) in patients with metastatic breast cancer to reverse tumor resistance: two case reports", Journal of Biology and Medicine, Vol 8, issue 4, Oct 2023, MOJ Biol Med. 2023;8(4):153-157. DOI: 10.15406/mojbm.2023.08.00202
104. Nezami MD, Steven Hager DO, Aryan Chaychian, " Epigenetic Aberrancies as the Exclusive Driver of Oncogenic Amplifications", PROGRESS IN MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2023 VOL 7, NO. 5, PAGE 1 – 6 DOI: doi.org/10.47363/PMS/2023(7)192
105. Kabir Mody, Afsaneh Barzi, M. Nezami, Carin Espenschied, Victoria Raymond , Daruka Mahadevand," ERBB2 (HER2) amplifications and co-occurring KRAS alterations in the circulating cell-free DNA of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients and response to HER2 inhibition", Frontiers in Oncology, section Gastrointestinal Cancers: Hepato Pancreatic Biliary Cancers, Feb, 2024
106. M. Nezami MD, Steven Hager DO, Reza Shirazi MD, Combining Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors (HDACi) in a Specific Protocol Called Multi Targeted Epigenetic Therapy (MTET), Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (BTKi), and Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors (CAi) in Cancer Treatment: Clinical Case Studies Highlighting Promising Results and Therapeutic Potential Journal of Biology and Medicine: Open Access Review Article, Vol 4
107. M Nezami MD, Jason Samarasena MD, Reza Nazemi, Mark Kidd PhD and Steven Hager DO," A New Perspective in Diagnosis of Neuroendocrine Tumors and Pseudo Pheochromocytomas, Understanding the Biology Behind a Mislabeled Medical Terminology" Sahel Oncology LLC, Orange Coast Medical Center of Hope, Cancer Research and Life Foundation University of California-Irvine ( UCI) Cedar Sinai Hospital, Endocrine Department WREN Laboratory Molecular Diagnostics California Cancer Associates for Research and Excellence (C Care) Yale University School of Medicine, PROGRESS IN MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2024 VOL 8, NO. 5, PAGE 1 – 5, doi.org/10.47363/PMS/2024(8)216 CASE REPORT
108. Author, Book; Transition from Crime to care in oncology, Published Aug 2022, Transition from Crime to Care in Oncology: A Critical Review of Current Cancer Research and Its Applications: 9798986173702: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com
109. Author Book; Making the case for MTET, publish date March 2024, Making the Case for MTET: Where Miracles Become Standard In Oncology: Nezami, Mohammad A: 9798986347264: Amazon.com: Books
110. Author: Book; The Merge of Philosophy, Physics and Medicine in oncology, published Aug 2024, available in AMAZON: Amazon.com: Mohammad Nezami M D: books, biography, latest update
2003-present: American Medical Association (AMA)
2004-present: Medical Board of California
2006-present: UCSF Medical Alumni Association
2008-present: American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
2008: National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCAM)
2010: Integrative Oncology Fellowship Program, A4M
2011: Best Answers for Cancer Foundation
2011: International Organization for Integrative Cancer Physicians (IOICP)
2011: American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)
2011: Society of Integrative Oncology (SIO)
2012: International Organization of Integrative Physicians (IOICP)
2012: The international hyperbaric medical association (IHMS)
2014: American Association for Cancer Research ( AARC)
2015: Research Cancer Institutes of America (RCIA)
2017 to present: Caris Life Sciences
2018, 2019: American Society of Clinical Oncology ( ASCO)
2022: Advanced Practitioner Society for Hematology and Oncology( JADPRO)
Dr. Nezami is a graduate of USC and UCSF residencies. He has functioned as faculty during his training. He has been in practice for 23 years and currently is the president of Medical Centers of Hope in California. He is promoting research in conventional and integrative oncology, in cutting edge.
Dr Nezami has served as national and international speaker in oncology and epigenetic science. He has been involved in many research projects and publications, presentations ( including ASCO, American Association for Cancer Research ( AACR), NCI/ AACR Molecular Medicine Triconference, World Molecular Imaging( WMI), and World Pharmaceutical Congress, NCI-AACR, ….author and coauthor in oncology literature. (Cancer Survivorship Journal of clinical oncology 2016, ASCO 2018, 2019, Cancer Science 2015, JCT 2015, 2016, Precision medicine,.....).
He has co authored Weil’s " Textbook for Integrative Oncology" in 2014.
Find out what goes on in a consultation to become a patient.
1996: Medical Dissertation, Data collection and management “Evaluating 50 hospitalized Children with Nephroblastoma”Tehran Children hospital, Iran
1996: Research Investigator “The effect of hostility and cardiovascular reactivity”,University of Southern California, Department of preventive medicine (refer to presentations)
2004-2005: Research Investigator “Surveillance and management of lymphoma with serial FDG PET-CT”
University of Southern California, Department of Radiology and nuclear Medicine (refer to publication )
2006-2007: Principal Investigator Protocol development and Data analysis “Effectiveness of exercise prescription on resting heart rate in patients with risk factors for cardiovascular disease” (refer to
presentations) University of California, San Francisco, (UCSF-fresno)
2009-2010: Principal Investigator Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy National Institute of Health (NIH)
2011-PRESENT: Data collection for submission as best case series in complimentary and alternative medicine
Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine National Cancer Institute (NCI)
2013: Co-authorBotanical and Mycological Medicine in Integrative Oncology Integrative Oncology (Weil Integrative Medicine Textbook), Donald Abrams, Andrew Weil, 2013
2013: Presenter Multi targeted Epigenetic Therapies ( MTET)) and it's rationale in an integrative approach
Institute for Research ( IRB) in Bio medicine, Barcelona International Conference on Epigenetics and Cancer, November, 2013
2014: Presenter
Multi targeted Epigenetic Therapies ( MTET), a case review of outcomes in patients with advanced cancer
Molecular Med Tri-cone 2014, February 10-12, 2014 (ex, human genome project and sequencing)
2014: Presenter, Prognostic surrogate markers of survival , a case review for a novel antiangiogenic therapy American Association for Cancer Research ( AARC) Pancreatic Cancer Innovations in research and treatment May 18-21, 2014 New Orleans, Louisiana
2014: Presenter, Prognostic surrogate markers for survival, a case review for a novel antiangiogenic therapy World Pharmaceutical Congress, Tracking Translational Challenges, May 21-23, 2014,
Boston, Massachusetts
2015: PI for NIH best case series of OCCAM, Completed case review by national Cancer Institute with favorable response by all three external reviewers
2016: Speaker and Medical consultant Caris Life Sciences ( Caris Oncology Laboratory)
2016: Peer review expert Journal of Cancer Therapy
(JCT) British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. (BJM) Journal of cancer and tumor international
2016: Organizing committee member International conference on Radiation Oncology ad Anti cancer therapy, Dubai
2017: Editorial Board Cancer Studies
2017: Author, Journal of Clinical Oncology ( JCO)
2018: Co author for presentation at ASCO
2019: Brain mapping society, neuro oncology penalist updates in therapeutic and translational research of GBM,
Presenter: 2019 JP Morgan and Biotechnology show case, San Francisco
Presenter 2019: University of California, Irvine ( UCI) Translational science innovation day
2019: Co author, Precision Oncology 2019, Annals of Oncology 2019
2019: First Author, ASCO publication 2019
2020: : Neuro-Oncology Subcommittee (NOS) of the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT)
2021: Pan Pacific Lymphoma Conference
2021: Society of Integrative Oncology ( SIO)
2022: Author, Book: Transition from Crime to Care in Oncology, A critical review f current research in oncology and it's clinical application
2024: Co author with Mayo Clinic, University of Washington, University of Texas, San Antonio, at FRONTIERS OF ONCOLOGY, section Gastrointestinal Cancers: Hepato Pancreatic Biliary Cancers
2024: Author, Book; Making the case for MTET, where miracles become standard in oncology, publish date March 2024
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With knowledge there is long life. You are the messengers to other people who have cancer or other chronic diseases, and they're suffering because they don't know. So if you know that there is another treatment that works as good or even beyond the standard treatment, I would encourage you to save their life because that's why I'm here too."
- M.A. Nezami, MD.
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